All Sales of this product go straight to helping survivors!
As many of you know my passion is helping women and children who are trapped in human trafficking. There is a select group of human trafficking survivors that I help the most These individuals have endured the worst of the worst since they were born. I help get them out of that vicious cycle of abuse and get them into safe houses throughout the country. My dream is to open my own safe house in the country with tiny houses for these women and children to live in. It’s very hard to find safe houses that accept this level of survivor and especially when children are involved. There is a massive need for help with these select individuals.
Currently I have someone that is overseas that was kidnapped over there and I am trying to get her back to the USA where she has lived her whole life until the kidnapping. We have an open window to be able to get her out right now! I have an availability for her and a place to go when she gets here. We are desperately seeking funds to get her a flight from overseas to the USA. Anyone willing to donate their miles would be amazing as well. Anything to get her here and safe. This woman has never known safety her entire life. She has been abused from birth and through all the abuse she has endured she still got her masters degree and excelled at her own business until she was kidnapped and lost everything. She deserves a shot at a real life away from all these horrors that are currently happening in her life.
If you could find it in your heart to donate that would be amazing. I am opening God Wins Today soon, just waiting on lawyer paperwork and then I’ll be able to accept donations through that. We can all make a difference in what happens in the shadows! Thank you everyone for your support!
Additional funds raised over the flight that is needed immediately will go towards helping other survivors I come across who are ready to be rescued from their bondage and placed into a safe house.