
Is Tear Stain Vanity Killing Our Pets?

Did you know that most oral supplements like Angel Eyes contain a low dose of antibiotics?  

Most of us pet owners know that antibiotics kill off both the harmful and beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract.  Bacteria is a crucial part of a dogs immune system that protects our dogs against bacterial and fungal infections, parasites, and viruses. Bacteria inside the intestines also manufactures essential vitamins like vitamins K as well as several B vitamins. It also has a great many others two compounds that our scientists are only now beginning to recognise. 

To restore those good intestinal bugs after a course of antibiotics it's common to follow a course of antibiotics with a round of probiotics to restore the colony of beneficial bacteria and bring the dogs gut back to balance. 

A man named Martin Blaser of New York University's Langone Medical Center argues that antibiotics' impact on the gut bacteria is permanent and so serious in their long term consequences that medicine should consider whether to restrict prescribing it to pregnant women and young children  

Here is one of his quotes:

"Early evidence from my lab and others hints that, sometimes, our friendly flora never fully recover.  These long-term changes to the beneficial bacteria within people's bodies may even increase our susceptibility to infections and disease.  Overuse of antibiotics could be fueling the dramatic increase in conditions such as obesity, type 1 diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, allergies and asthma, which have more than doubled in many populations.  

Dogs like humans often take a few rounds of antibiotics during the course of their lives.  Not only does it impact the intestinal flora, but in creating antibiotic resistant superbugs.  It's time to look to natural solutions for our beloved pets and their owners!

Some great alternatives to consider for yourself and your dog:


Wild honey is spread over wounds and burns in many places around the world including hospitals in the the USA.  This heals with minimal scarring and fewer infections.  Tea with lemon and honey is a classic drink when we get a cold of a flu.  Munaka honey sold in health food stores, has a higher concentration of antibiotics than other honey.  

There are many more natural antibiotics such as coconut oil and Oregan grape.  


For centuries Native Americans used Goldenseal for infections, venereal diseases, and ulcers.  That's probably because it prevents bacteria from adhering to cell walls so it can't grow.  It works wonders on diarrhea and respiratory infections.  


Is a natural antibiotic, antifungal, and antiviral agent.  It is best known for its sulphur compounds, particularly allicin.  These are the main photochemical a that boost immunity and act as natural antibiotics.

Oregano Oil

One of my favorites and a favorite among poultry producers to replace antibiotics.  A researcher named Paik Belaiche conducted exhaustive studies of aromatherapy oils in his three volume book, "Treatise on Phytotheraphy and Aromatherapgy."  He reported that oregano oil killed 96% of all pneumococcus bacteria.  Oregano oil was also shown to eliminate 83% of streptococcus, which is linked with strep throat, scarlet fever, rheumatic fever, toxic shock Syndrome, cystitis, and wound infections.  

 Olive Leaf Extract

Professors at the Department of Biomedical Science at CHA University in Korea found that olive leaf extract was potent against various bacterial microbes.  Bonus: Their research showed olive lead exhibited free radical scavenging abilities.  Free radicals are linked with aging and disease. 

Also like a lot of my other blogs, what you feed your dog is also crucial to their intestinal health and bacterial balance.  The foods on the market that have been processed, heated and extruded are devoid not just of harmful bacteria, but also those good bugs the body needs to stay in healthy balance.  All these Western foods have been processed to be readily absorbed that we leave nothing for the lower GI to do.  

The beneficial bacteria found in foods like kefir, have been shown to calm the immune system and reduce inflammation, shorten the duration and severity of colds, relieve diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome, reduce allergic responses, stimulate the immune response, possibly reduce the risk of certain cancers; and improve the health and function of the gut.  I'm not saying never take your dog to the vet to get antibiotics and to never put your dog on antibiotics especially if it's life threatening, just be causious when it's something that's not life threatening.  Try one of the natural antibiotics first.  Think preventative when it comes to yourself and your dog and try to stick to a natural balanced diet and herbs! 

What about giving our dogs low doses of antibiotics everyday through things like Angel Eyes to get rid of Tear Stains? 

I have to say I fell victim to trying things like, Angel Eyes, Tylan, and One other (can't remember the name of but has been discontinued for several years now, how scary), while showing my dogs. It's hard to have a beautiful white dog and then they turn their head and it looks like an opening scene to some horror flick.  No matter what I did back then I could never fully get rid of it until now with my Famous Tears B Gone. 

But, if you read the manufacturer's instructions; you are suppose to taper it down, and NOT stay at the same starting dose, and NOT keep your dog on it for extended periods of time.  

Angel eyes for example contains an antibiotic tylosin that's why it works so well for many dogs.  In the past vets would give low dose tetracycline to dogs whose owners couldn't stand the appearance of tear stains.  Angel Eyes is the same thing with a few more ingredients with a high cost. 

No human or animal should remain on an antibiotic for an extended period of time.  Not only did I talk about above how antibiotics may not work when they really need them for a life threatening illness, but long term antibiotics will do damage to the liver. 

If you look up Angel Eyes and safety to dogs, you'll see mostly articles or quotes from people or companies which sell it saying it's safe and harmless.  But, if you go further you'll see an objective article NOT based on the companies statements but from veterinarians.  

In 2014, the FDA sent a warning letter to three US manufacturers of dog and cat tear stain products containing the antibiotic tylosin tartate.  The agency warned the companies that if their products remain on the market, they may be seized or an injunction filed against them. 

The companies receiving the letters included the makers of Angel Eyes, Angels' Glow, Pets' Spark, and two exported products, Glow Groom, and Health Glow.  One or more of these products may be familiar to you if you've ever had a pet with tear staining, though you may not have been aware they contain an antibiotic.

Tylosin tartrate is approved by the FDA for use in lIvestock, but not in dogs and cats except when prescribed by a veterinarian.  I don't know how these companies have sold these under the radar for so long, especially since it is widely acknowledged that antibiotics are overused in the USA, and antibiotic resistant bacteria is a serious public health concern.  The company that makes Glow Groom and Health Glow actually admitted yo FDA inspectors that they do not list tylosin tartate on the labels of their exported products to avoid detection by customs in the countries receiving them. 

After knowing everything you just read, should we be giving a long term antibiotic to our dogs just so they look pretty? 


Product I recommend

Famous Tears B Gone

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