
News — antibiotics

Is Tear Stain Vanity Killing Our Pets?

Is Tear Stain Vanity Killing Our Pets?

Did you know that most oral supplements like Angel Eyes contain a low dose of antibiotics?   Most of us pet owners know that antibiotics kill off both the harmful and beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract.  Bacteria is a crucial part of a dogs immune system that protects our dogs against bacterial and fungal infections, parasites, and viruses. Bacteria inside the intestines also manufactures essential vitamins like vitamins K as well as several B vitamins. It also has a great many others two compounds that our scientists are only now beginning to recognise.  To restore those good intestinal bugs after...

Coping With Staph Infections

Audra Lynn

Tags antibiotics, skin treatment, Staph, Treatment

Coping With Staph Infections

Staph Infection in Dogs and how you can help.  I'm sure you've heard of people getting staph infections.  Well your dog can also get staph infections too.  So what can you do to treat your dog and keep him comfortable? Dogs have a bacteria present on and inside their bodies, including different types of staph, most commonly appearing as a skin infection.  One of the most common canine species of staph is a normal bacterial inhabitant of at least half of healthy dogs and it doesn't not cause any issues.  When a dog that gets injured, suffers from illness, or...

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