News — skin issues
Dry or Flaky Skin Causes on Dogs
What are some of the causes of Dry or Flaky Skin on Dogs? Sometimes it is as simple as just dry skin on your dog, but other times the causes can be quite serious. There are many different causes of dry skin. It's a long list and can be difficult to diagnose. Here is a list of different causes for dry skin: Black Hair Follicular Dysplasia/Alopecia/Dystrophy This is a rare hereditary disease in dogs with different hair colors. It's more common in Bearded Collies, Basset Hounds, Salukis, Beagles, Dachshunds, and Pointers. The Symptoms are loss of dark or black hair...
Colloidal Silver and Skin Care
Colloidal Silver is known to be "the best all-around germ fighter" by research scientists and is essentially a water suspension of ionic silver. Colloidal silver has been used since the medieval times to help as a bacterial agent that helps heal skin abrasion and burns. In natural skin care colloidal silver makes a safe non-irritating preservative with an added anti-inflammmatory bonujys. The antiseptic and preservative power of Colloidal Silver has been well proven for decades, especially for burn wounds. Acting as a catalyst, it supports the destruction of enzymes required for the metabolism of bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Compared to...
Yeast Infection in Dogs (Fungal)

Does your dog have itchy skin? Recurring hot spots? Gunky Ears? Does He/she lick and chew at his/her feet? This doesn't necessarily mean he/she has allergies. Yeast infections are particularly common in hot, humid environments. Yeast dermatitis is a fairly common inflammatory skin condition in dogs. Yeast is a fungus and is in ALL dogs (and People) as a normal part of their flora. Yeast lives on your dogs skin and inside his/her gut, where it normally lives with other healthy flora, as part of the balanced immune system. This condition is caused by overgrowth of the Malassezia species of...
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Welcome to Famous Skin Care for Dogs! This blog section will contain articles on different topics that affect our dogs. Not only will Famous Skin Care help with wonderful products we also want to help educate you. You can never have too much knowledge when it comes to your pets! Check out all the items in the store!! If your dog has a specific issue, or you need advice, or a custom product please contact me at